Thursday, June 25, 2009

Running with the pack

Another good run today. It seems to help when there are other dogs around. This morning, we encountered a small beagle just outside the back gate, which definitely caught Zorro's attention. As long as he's focused on another dog, he's not looking for hidden dangers in the sky.
Yesterday's trip to the vet went well, but was kind of heartbreaking. The vet said his incisers are worn down and show signs of metal shavings, indicating that at one point, he knawed on the bars of a cage. This seems to fit with the trainer's theory (shared by out pet sitter, Melissa) that he was confined for long periods of time. I hate to think about that, but it could explain his fearfulness when he's outside.
The vet recommended something called a DAP collar; it's supposed to emit relaxing phermones. According to what I read online, it takes a few days to work, if it works. The vet favors trying natural remedies before giving him serious meds, like Prozac, which makes sense. Cheaper, too.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear he's doing a bit better. He must know he's got a loving mommy and daddy.
